Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts

Time to get out your Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts VBS 2008 is almost here. For those of you who didn't already know or haven't been to NHBC in the last month our VBS is around the corner. This year Lifeway and Jeff Slaughter bring to you Outrigger Island - Living God's unshakable truth. Here's a preview...

Set up for this years VBS is on Wednesday July 23 and we plan on working through to the weekend transforming NHBC into a lush Tahitian paradise. VBS officially starts on Monday July 28th and runs through the week until Friday August 1st. Hours will be 6:15pm to 9:30pm.
On Sunday August 3rd parents and guests will be treated to a special VBS Outrigger Island presentation performed by the children and young adults that features songs they learned during the week.

So if you've ever wanted to go to Hawaii or Tahiti (and who doesn't)this years VBS promises to be better than last years so mark your calender and plan to be a part of it.

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