The Pastor said it best this Sunday when he used this analogy for parts of the Bible. You don't always like what the Bible has to say, but you take it, and digest it because God knows what's good for us.
I can think of many times life has presented me with a bowl of green beans and because I dealt with it and overcame the situation I am a better person for it. If your dealing with your plate of green beans, don't stare at the plate, don't try to ignore them, just eat them and know that it will make you stronger.
Well I must say that it's better to eat the green beans along with the rest of the food so they go down better. Like the Bible, when we read what we like and don't like together it all goes down better. Opening our understanding.
One eventually develops a taste for the things we don't like. We just have to eat them every chance we get. Like the green beans.
Blessing, Ana Snow
Green beans are like all vegies when your yolung you can't stand them then when you get a bit older you find out that you've been missing the best type of food GOD created besides HIS WORD!! When your saved and are born again just a babe in your walk with GOD you don't understand whats what and little by little green beanby green bean lima bean by lima bean you start to love HIS WORD and can't wait to be feed more and more. GOD bless and keep us all in HIS service.
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