Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A special thank you to all who attended this years Christmas cantata "Christmas Shoes". We had a large crowd in God's house Sunday night and had several people come forward to accept the Lord. All of this would have not been possible without the help and support of the NHBC family.

Speaking for myself, it makes my job easy when everyone takes on some of the workload. I have been very fortunate that whenever a seemingly large project has been taken on that there are always more than enough volunteers to help, and for that I am grateful. Words of warning to all my brothers and sisters, the bar has been raised. Look for next year to be bigger and better.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

YeeHaw Partners!

This years' Round Up Sunday was a great success. Thanks to all of those involved and all of those who attended. It was awesome to see over 265 people attending service on Sunday. I saw a lot of really good looking cowboys and cowgirls, you all deserve a hand for helping to set the mood for this years' round up.

It's good to see the spiritual fires burning in everyone's eyes. The emotion and passion that touched those who were privileged to attend the retreat earlier this year has spread through the congregation. When we carry this momentum through to the upcoming year, God will bless the NHBC family with explosive growth.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Plugged in?

I think brother Isman said it best when he used it as an example of our Christian walk. A microphone isn't really a microphone unless it is plugged into an amplifier. It might as well be a glass of water or a rock. An amplifier has to be plugged into a source of power for it to work, otherwise the signal running through it is lost and no one hears it.

How is your Christian walk? Is you mike plugged in? Is your amplifier plugged into a source of power? God wants to use you and me to expand His kingdom and help to bring others to know Christ. If our source of power is weak or nonexistent then how could we be a microphone for God's word?

We need to get plugged in to God's word, it recharges our source of power (Faith). Sundays should not be enough. Fellowship, ministries, church functions and Bible studies are great sources to recharge our spiritual batteries. Brothers and sisters, are you feeling run down? When is the last time you checked your power source? Maybe it's time to get plugged in.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This year's retreat was truly an unforgettable experience. My wish is that more people can go to the next one. This was my first retreat but certainly not my last. To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to thank you for participating and feeding me spiritually. God is so amazing that we could share so much personal pain and become as close as we all became in such a short time. We would do a great disservice to God if we do not take all the power and emotion back to North Hialeah Baptist and share it with the rest of our church family.

I think my Jonah said it best when after service on Sunday he said " I don't want to go". I understand how he felt. There was such a great positive atmosphere, everyone was smiling and not one negative vibe could be felt. The world is still the same and troubles affect everyone but, for that weekend it seemed everyone left them behind and focused on Jesus and let God take care of everything else. Funny how it should take a retreat for us to be able to do what God has asked us to do all along.

For my brothers and sisters; nothing positive comes from negative thinking. Lets have a year-round retreat in our homes, in our work, at school and in church. Pack your suitcases with negativity and poisoning thoughts and leave them behind. The world has enough problems, do not contribute to them, be a solution and a light for others.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Bridge

In my opinion, I feel that on occasion we allow ourselves to get bogged down and overwhelmed with problems that in many cases are beyond our control. Sometimes the Christian solution is not easily seen through the fog of minor irrelevant circumstances and general day to day trials. As Christians we owe it to God to put our fate in His hands because of the greatest sacrifice He invested in us.

I think the message of God's greatest gift can sometimes get watered down. I hope this short film puts the greatest gift to mankind in a new perspective. It was shared to me by a friend and the Holy Spirit put it in my heart to share it with you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

NHBC Couples Night

Thank you to all the couples that attended the "Fireproof" movie Sunday night. I thought the movie was great and it touched on a lot of topics which sometimes put a strain on marriages. It was especially refreshing to see a movie with God and Christianity in the main theme. A special thank you goes out to the Singles Group for providing child sitting services for many of us. Without them a Sunday night at the movies just would not be possible.

God's Musicians

A trumpet cannot make music without someone to blow through it, a guitar will not make a sound if no one strums it and a piano will not carry a melody unless someone is there to strike the keys. All of them beautiful instruments made from brass, silver, ivory and exotic hardwoods each polished to perfection but even more beautiful is the sound they were created to make.

If there were no one to play these instruments they would simply be decoration or considered art by some, just like a painting hanging on the wall. The would be no glory for the craftsman who labored for hours to make sure the pitch and tones were just right and pleasing to the senses, instead all of his work would go unnoticed by many.

Each of us is handcrafted. The craftsman who labored with skilled hands painstakingly created each one of us to be instruments. If our lives were to be placed on a mantle or hung on a wall then we would do our creator no justice. God deserves the glory and just like musical instruments we should be played and our music heard and witnessed by many.

Ephesians 5:19
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord

Monday, September 22, 2008

Paul T. Fleming at NHBC

A special thanks to Mr. Paul T. Fleming for a wonderful night of worship. In case you missed it, Mr. Fleming performed a concert at NHBC this past Sunday night. Paul's music and message were both infectious and energizing to the spirit. It was a great time for all who attended as we were drawn by Paul's gospel music with a very upbeat Caribbean flair. It's no wonder that he has won many awards for his vocal abilities, God truly has blessed him with a great voice.

We wish him much success in his ministry and if we are lucky maybe we can invite him back in the near future. If you would like more information on Mr. Fleming's ministry or would like to purchase some of his music you can visit his website at: www.paultfleming.com

Keeping your finger on God

I have to share a young man's analogy of his walk with God. He has come a long way and it comforts me that he has chosen to have Christ in his heart.

My walk with God is like a disposable lighter. When I put my finger on God he puts a flame, a fire in my heart. But when I take my finger off God that flame goes out. Sometimes I get sparks and when there is no fuel that is all that I get, but by keeping my finger on Him all the times He keeps my flame lit and lives in me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Winds of Change

As promised, September brings winds of change to NHBC. Low attendance, economic and financial struggles lead to some pretty interesting changes. God wants us to be good stewards and trust in Him to provide all that we need.

I will admit that my own personal finances have taken a hit and a weak job market does not seem to provide any light at the end of the tunnel. Theses circumstances have caused me to "think twice" about my tithes. The devil is hard at work to place doubt, but I have witnessed God's word at work in my life and I hope this testimony helps the next time you are unsure.

Our family has always been supplemented by both mine and my wifes' income and it seems we were always struggling with our finances. We made enough money but somehow never enough to save for a rainy day. With six mouths to feed and clothe we basically lived from check to check. Nobody went to bed hungry, everybody had school supplies and uniforms, we did live comfortably just not the lifestyle that is so glamorously portrayed by television families.

Six months ago, after a scheduled surgery almost took her life and extended her hospital stay, my wife lost her job. Diligently she has sent her resume and gone to several job interviews but there just are no jobs in her field.

God will generously provide all you need. Then you will
always have everything you need and plenty left over to
share with others.

2 Corinthians 9:8 (New Living Translation)

And God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that in all things at all times, having all that you need,
you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8 (New International Version)

Today nothing has changed. We still have six mouths to feed and clothe, we still have school supplies and uniforms to buy, we still have our share of bills and we still get by check to check. But we are doing it with only one paycheck and God's promise. I will never doubt His word again.

Sometimes we forget what we really need; we get influenced by television commercials and marketing advertisements. God will keep His promise to provide all that we need, not what we want.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

To be or not to be - salt.

I've always pictured myself as a salt kind of person. Last Sunday Pastor Dan referred to the church needing to be as salt, even though it cannot be seen it adds flavor and would be noticed if it were missing.

I think that much of my Christian walk has been like "salt". I have always preferred to be behind the scenes and remain cloaked. It's something I feel I need to work on. If we were to make a difference in our society maybe we need to more like pepper. When you see pepper you definitely know it's there and have a pretty good idea what it is going to add in the way of flavor. Maybe it is better for us to be more like "pepper" in our Christian walk, that way we are more visible, accessible to our brothers and sisters when they need us. I know I have a problem approaching people, but I would most certainly want anyone to come to me for spiritual advice.

Either way, salt or pepper if we do not add any flavor then what good are we and how can we serve God.

Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mahalo Ohana!

A special thanks to all that helped make this years vacation bible school a memorable one. Outrigger Island at NHBC averaged over 106 attendees every night and brought a total of 17 people to accept Christ. Every night the air smelled of coconut as the atrium bathed in the light of Tiki torches and Hawaiian melodies played in the background. There was a definite Polynesian atmosphere in the church but nothing overshadowed the message of God's word.

None of this could have been possible without all the people who made it their mission to make this VBS happen. After speaking with many of the volunteers it was obvious that the children were not the only ones with inspiration and fellowship. I know that next years VBS, Boomerang Express should be another great experience and I hope that more people will want to get involved.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

God knows best

Sometimes we tend to get caught up with things we want so badly, they blind us from the reality of whether we really need them or not. The Bible tells us that God knows our needs and He will provide.

I personally have gotten so caught in something I want that I have forgotten Gods' promise to me. Thankfully a sister in Christ and dear friend shared this poem with me.


First, my car broke down
I was late for work
But I missed that awful accident
Was that your handiwork?

I found a house I loved
But others got there first
I was angry, then relieved
When I heard the pipes had burst

Yesterday, I found the perfect dress
But the color was too pale
Today, I found the dress in red
Would you believe, it was on sale!

I know you're watching over me
And I'm feeling truly blessed
For no matter what I pray for
you always know what's best.

I have this circle of E-mail friends,
Who mean the world to me;
Some days I "SEND" and "SEND",
At other times, I let them be.

When I see each name download,
And view the message they've sent;
I know they've thought of me that day,
And "well wishes" were their intent.

I am so blessed to have these friends,
With whom I've grown so close;
So this little poem I dedicated to them,
Because to me they are the most.

So to you, my friends, I would like to say,
Thank you for being a part;
Of all my daily contacts,
This comes right from the heart.

God bless you all is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until we write again.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts

Time to get out your Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts VBS 2008 is almost here. For those of you who didn't already know or haven't been to NHBC in the last month our VBS is around the corner. This year Lifeway and Jeff Slaughter bring to you Outrigger Island - Living God's unshakable truth. Here's a preview...

Set up for this years VBS is on Wednesday July 23 and we plan on working through to the weekend transforming NHBC into a lush Tahitian paradise. VBS officially starts on Monday July 28th and runs through the week until Friday August 1st. Hours will be 6:15pm to 9:30pm.
On Sunday August 3rd parents and guests will be treated to a special VBS Outrigger Island presentation performed by the children and young adults that features songs they learned during the week.

So if you've ever wanted to go to Hawaii or Tahiti (and who doesn't)this years VBS promises to be better than last years so mark your calender and plan to be a part of it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Taming the tongue

The bible says because we cannot tame the tongue we should be slow to speak.

GUILTY ! I cannot count the many times I should have been slow to speak. Unfortunately I have been given the title of "comeback kid" . Often I wish I could catch the words as they fly through the air, just pluck them from sight , wad them up and put them where they couldn't hurt anyone.

For some of us it is easy to hold back and not say anything and for others we have to bite our tongues to the point of almost drawing blood so that we will not speak our minds. Take comfort in knowing that it is easier to not say something that will harm than to try to undo the harm the saying something has done.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life's Green Beans

Sometimes life throws you a green bean. For those of us that do not like green beans know what its like to see your plate and all there is left to eat is the green beens. You've eaten the meat and enjoyed the potatoes because that part you like, but now, you don't have anything else left but those green beans. The worst part is that you haven't left any of the other food to help mix with and mask the taste. You know they are good for you, but you just don't like to eat them.

The Pastor said it best this Sunday when he used this analogy for parts of the Bible. You don't always like what the Bible has to say, but you take it, and digest it because God knows what's good for us.

I can think of many times life has presented me with a bowl of green beans and because I dealt with it and overcame the situation I am a better person for it. If your dealing with your plate of green beans, don't stare at the plate, don't try to ignore them, just eat them and know that it will make you stronger.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hello Visitors

Well this is the first post of many - I hope. After a meeting with Pastor Dan it looks like we will be building a new control room for the sanctuary. I have to tell you I am pretty excited about all the new things happening around the church.

I know we all have a life outside the church with many things to do and the pressure of today's society keeps us locked up at home. It warms my heart when I can work on a project outside the house with people who motivate and lift me up. I know one single person cannot do it all, I would never ask anybody to anything that I myself would not do. We all lead by example and when you see your brothers and sisters working hard and struggling the Holy Spirit will command you to join in so that you will not miss an opportunity of fellowship.